Comprehensive solution for waste heat recovery in data centres



The project's initial objective is to analyse the thermal management challenges of various representative user cases with considerable IT load in tertiary buildings, and theoretically validate solutions for their challenges, based on advanced liquid cooling technologies and holistic control mechanisms.


12 partners from 8 countries
- 2 universities
- 5 SMEs
- 1 large company
- 3 research centers
- 1 national standardization body

Budget and Duration

Start Date: 01 January 2024
End Date: 31 December 2026
Budget: 3,165,181 €

MG Contribution

MG is responsible for ensuring the effective dissemination and communication activities for the project goals and results, by reaching the intended audiences in a clear, engaging, and impactful manner. Choosing the relevant social media channels, and engaging stakeholders meaningfully,  we engage in direct interactions and public engagement through multimedia content, meetings, workshops or seminars.

Additionally, we will also support socio-economic analyses and studies for upscaling the project results and developing a business case for new use cases to address the challenges towards a successful launch of the technology to various end-users in the future.

Progress and Impact

Through pilots in Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, and Turkey, HEATWISE aims to pioneer innovative solutions, encompassing hybrid (liquid and air) cooling technology, a digital twin-supported holistic data management system, an integrated multi-objective building energy management system, and a self-assessment and optimization tool, complemented by a knowledge-sharing platform.

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