Virtual Reality for Digital Learning

Virtual Reality for Digital Learning (VR4Learning) aims to increase knowledge and awareness in the areas of environment, green transition and sustainability. The project includes virtual reality and augmented reality to stimulate an engaging learning environment, made accessible in various languages.
4 partners from 4 countries:
- 1 SME:
MG Sustainable Engineering AB
- 2 universities:
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Universitatea din Craiova, Romania
- 1 NGO:
Natsionalna Shkola po Menidzhmant, Bulgaria
Start Date: 01 January 2023
End Date: 31 January 2025
Budget: €250,000

MG Contribution
In its role as project coordinator, MG is leading Work Package 1 on management of project VR4Learning. Monitoring activities are integral to the overall evaluation of project VR4Learning’s progress, quality, and achievements. To carry out effective ongoing monitoring, MG will organize regular communication, discussion, and consultation among
partners. MG will lead the meetings and move the project forward in the right direction. MG will ensure that no major deviations from initial plan occur and suggest corrective measures, if needed.

Progress and Impact
A library of e-learning videos is currently available online on the project’s YouTube channel, in English as the original version and with subtitles in all European languages. More than 10 videos have been created in the following topics: air pollution, circular economy, waste management, textile pollution, Earth ecology, solar energy and renewable energy resources. Engaging visuals together with a captivating audio background are designed to catch the interest and raise awareness in sustainability topics.
Several VR Scenarios of laboratories from our partners at Evora University and University of Craiova are also available in Project Deliverables section [LINK] and a few more are in progress. Students (and not only) are able to enter a VR Scenario from any location and can explore the VR Scenario at their own convenience, immersing themselves in a new environment.
Eight VR Courses are planned, together with seminars, webinars, and various other dissemination activities on a monthly basis. Access to information is widely increased and encouraged, giving the audience the opportunity to travel virtually. The E-learning videos together with the VR Scenarios bring flexibility, wide accessibility, cost-effectiveness, engagement and global reach to the education process.