Innovative High Temperature Heat Pump for Flexible Industrial Heat on Demand


fern, wilhelma, greenhouse, green, detail, leaf, fern, fern, nature, fern, greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse-1000052.jpg


Innovative High Temperature Heat Pump for Flexible Industrial Heat on Demand aims to develop a FOAK cost effective and reliable high-temperature industrial heat pump (HTHP), based on Stirling cycles and exploiting a non-toxic, inert, zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and zero global warming potential (GWP) fluid, thus ensuring minimal environmental impact, able to deliver decarbonized heat up to 400°C


6 Partners from 3 countries
- 1 universities
- 5 SMEs

Budget and Duration

Start Date: X January 2024
End Date: X December 2026
Budget: 1,6 M €

MG Contribution

Progress and Impact

Coming soon