Gamified Approach to Money Education for Youth


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The GAMEY project aims to boost financial literacy among youth through gamified and interactive learning. By equipping young people with essential financial skills, they'll be better prepared to make informed financial decisions and manage personal finances. The initiative will also foster a learning community that supports youth development and economic engagement. Leveraging partner expertise, we will develop tools and training to enhance financial awareness and skills, including the GAMEY platform for sustainable knowledge-sharing.


6 Partners from Sweden, Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy:

- Linking Foundation - Coordinator
- Andragoski Zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje
- Action for the Civil Society
- Fondazione Comunitaria di Agrigento e Trapani
- Know and Can Association
- MG Sustainable Engineering AB


Start Date: 01 October 2024
End Date: 30 September 2026
Budget: €250,000

MG Contribution

  • Creation of Catalog of tools useful in the context of financial education, along with descriptions and user instructions.

Creating a catalog: Development of a collection of digital educational resources, such as apps, games, and platforms, that facilitate the learning of economics and finance through gamification mechanics.

Selection and Description of Tools: Choosing tools based on their attractiveness, educational effectiveness, and recommendations from project partners, followed by a detailed description of their features, applications, and gamification mechanics.

Accessibility and Usability: The catalog will be available online, providing free educational tools for educators, youth, and training participants. The goal is to enhance access to innovative teaching methods, motivate young people to engage in self-directed learning and support educators in engaging participants.

  • Launch of the GAMEY e-learning service

Launching an e-learning platform containing 10 training modules in 7 languages, along with interactive and multimedia materials. Programming all functionalities and widgets.

  • Organize International project meeting

Progress and Impact

Coming soon