Solar PolygEneration Collector for combined heaT, poweR, hydrogen fUel and wastewater treatMent

The SPECTRUM project aims to develop and validate a groundbreaking solar concentrating collector that fully harnesses the solar spectrum. This collector will convert solar radiation into solar heat, green hydrogen, and solar electricity while also providing industrial wastewater treatment. Additionally, the project aims to develop cost-effective, sustainable components, processes, and solutions that maximise local energy generation and wastewater treatment. A life-cycle sustainability assessment will be performed to validate the collector's techno-economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
10 partners from 7 countries :
3 SMEs:
- MG Sustainable Engineering AB
- Solarus Renewables AB
- Belgium Volt
4 universities:
- University of Gävle
-Imperial College London
-Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
-Instituto Superior Técnico
3 research institutes:
- LNEG - Laboratorio de Energia
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
Start Date: 1 October 2024
End Date: 31 March 2028
Budget: € 3 M

MG Contribution
MG's role is to lead the D&C activities/WP as well as designing and optimising hybrid PVT collector technologies.

The SPECTRUM project has officially begun with a productive two-day kick-off meeting in Lisbon, hosted by LNEG – Laboratorio de Energia ⚡
The meeting started with LNEG’s director welcoming the consortium and emphasizing the transformative potential of SPECTRUM’s approach to sustainable industrial practices. Followed by The European Commission officer expressing the high expectations for SPECTRUM to contribute meaningful advances in renewable energy and environmental solutions.
Follow and read more about the Spectrum project